Shopping basket
Enter an item number and press 'Enter' to load the product information and variants. Tab to select variants and set quantity. Press 'Enter' on the quantity input to add the product to the list.
Shopping basket
Enter an item number and press 'Enter' to load the product information and variants. Tab to select variants and set quantity. Press 'Enter' on the quantity input to add the product to the list.
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Confirmation & Delivery
After placing your order, you’ll receive a confirmation email with the estimated shipping dateShipping Policy
We strive to ensure that your order arrives complete and on time. To achieve this, we ship all items in your order together. If an item is temporarily out of stock, we’ll ship your order once all items are available. If you need your items sooner please contact us after placing your order to discuss the possibility of a partial delivery. For your convenience, you can also specify a preferred delivery date during the checkout process. ​We will ​create a partial delivery to ship ​the items in stock.Partial delivery cost
- Free Partial Delivery: If the value of the partially shipped items is over €100 (excluding VAT), the partial delivery will be free of charge.
- Handling & Shipping Fee: For partial shipments valued under €100 (excluding VAT), a standard Handling & Shipping fee will apply.
- Online Payments:Â If you paid online, we will send you a separate payment link before shipping your order.